Class 12: ngrok#
We will use ngrok to publish a server running on a private Colab Virtual Machine.
Proxying HTTP from VM#
Access a Virtual Machine on Colab or Codespaces.
Start a simple http deamon (here on port 5000):
import _thread as thread
import http.server
import socketserver
Handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
def start_server():
# Setup stuff here...
with socketserver.TCPServer(("", 5000), Handler) as httpd:
# start the server in a background thread
thread.start_new_thread(start_server, ())
As the last step, start the ngrok server. The code below runs with the Python wrapper (install with pip install pyngrok --quiet
from pyngrok import ngrok
# Terminate open tunnels if exist
# Setting the authtoken (optional)
NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN = "<Get your authtoken from>"
# Open an HTTPs tunnel on port 5000 for http://localhost:5000
public_url = ngrok.connect(5000).public_url
print("Tracking URL:", public_url)
Access the application under the public url. Enjoy!
Tracking URL:
## Authentication with OAuth 2.0
As a bonus we can set up OAuth 2.0 authentication, here with Google:
ngrok http 5000 --oauth=google --log=stdout --log-level=info
INFO[05-30|09:06:27] no configuration paths supplied
WARN[05-30|09:06:27] ngrok config file found at legacy location, move to XDG location xdg_path=/root/.config/ngrok/ngrok.yml legacy_path=/root/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml
INFO[05-30|09:06:27] using configuration at default config path path=/root/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml
INFO[05-30|09:06:27] open config file path=/root/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml err=nil
t=2023-05-30T09:06:27+0000 lvl=info msg="starting web service" obj=web addr= allow_hosts=[]
t=2023-05-30T09:06:27+0000 lvl=info msg="client session established" obj=tunnels.session obj=csess id=e091fe4f2de3
t=2023-05-30T09:06:27+0000 lvl=info msg="tunnel session started" obj=tunnels.session
t=2023-05-30T09:06:27+0000 lvl=info msg="started tunnel" obj=tunnels name=command_line addr=http://localhost:5000 url=
Visit the address
and go through Google sign-in!
For brevity and more features, the command line interface is preferred over the Python wrapper.
The example is available on GitHub.